Belleville Wix Academy

Financial and Statutory Reporting

Belleville Wix Academy is part of the Quality First Education Trust. To view the annual reports and company information for the Trust, please visit their website. 

As a school, we are required to report specifically on how we are spending the Pupil Premium and the Primary PE/Sport Premium. You can find these reports below.


Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium is funding allocated to the school for pupils of low-income families who are known to be eligible for free school meals. In 2012 the Pupil Premium was extended to pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 Free School Meals measure).

Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked-after continuously for more than six months, and a smaller amount for the children of service personnel.

The main aim of the funding is to raise the attainment of disadvantaged children and young people.  The funding equates to £1320 per eligible primary school child and £1900 per pupil for looked-after children who have been looked after for 1 day or more, are adopted or are under a Special Guardianship Order or Residence Order.

Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit.  However, they are accountable for how they use the additional funding to support pupils from low-income families and the other target groups. 

School accountability for the pupil premium

The Pupil Premium is paid to schools as they are best placed to assess what additional provision their pupils need. Ofsted inspections will report on how the school’s use of the funding affects the attainment of their disadvantaged pupils.

Schools are held to account through performance tables, which include data on:

  • the attainment of the pupils who attract the funding
  • the progress made by these pupils
  • the gap in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and their peers


BWA Core Offer

BWA has a Core Offer for pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. The school will assess which relevant elements of the Core Offer will apply to eligible children, dependent on their achievement, progress and needs as identified by the school within the allocation designated for Pupil Premium.  The Core Offer for eligible pupils consists of the following:

  • academic interventions and support  to raise the attainment and progress in English –Reading, Phonics; Writing
  • academic interventions and support to raise the attainment and progress in Mathematics
  • enrichment activities to provide wider opportunities and enhance the self-esteem of pupils (these may include music and instrumental tuition discounts, free or discounted places at school-run clubs and external clubs where appropriate)
  • interventions and support through small group work to develop Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) skills
  • supporting in paying the voluntary contributions towards educational visits and activities
  • discounted fees for the BWA Breakfast club

As a staff team we assess the pupils needs and work together to deploy resources to secure appropriate support. 

BWA Allocation and Expenditure of the Pupil Premium

2017 – 2018 £89, 760
2018 – 2019 £87, 120
2019 – 2020 £99,640
2020 – 2021 £80,700
2021 – 2022 £72,630
2022 - 2023 £73,405
2023 -2024 £68,385
2024 - 2025



Pupil Premium Strategy Statements 


Belleville Wix Academy Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-21

Belleville Wix Academy Pupil Premium Expenditure Report for 2020-21

Belleville Wix Academy Pupil Premium Strategy Statement for 2021- 2024

Belleville Wix Academy Pupil Premium Statement for 2021-2024 with the impact of spending in 2021-2022

Belleville Wix Academy Pupil Premium Statement for 2021-2024 with the impact of spending in 2022-2023

Belleville Wix Academy Pupil Premium Statement for 2022-2025 with the impact of spending in 2023-2024


Are you eligible for Free School Meals support?

Free School Meals Eligibility Checker

PE and Sport Premium 

Most publicly-funded schools with primary-age pupils receive the PE and sport premium. This additional funding must be used to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education (PE), physical activity and sport they offer. The government advises that it can be used to:

  •  improve the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  •  raise the profile of PE and sport across the school
  •  increase the confidence, knowledge and skills of staff in teaching PE and sport
  •  offer a broader range of sports and activities to all pupils
  •  increase participation in competitive sport
  •  provide additional top-up swimming lessons for pupils who need them. 


Please click on the links below to find out more about the funding our school receives, how we are spending it and the impact it is having. 


Belleville Wix Academy Primary Sports Funding 2020-21

Belleville Wix Academy Impact Statement Primary Sports Funding 2020-21

Belleville Wix Academy Primary Sports Funding 2021-2022

Belleville Wix Academy Impact Statement Primary Sports Funding 2021-22

Belleville Wix Academy Primary Sports Funding 2022-2023

Belleville Wix Academy Impact Statement Primary Sports Funding 2022-23

Belleville Wix Academy Primary Sports Funding 2023-2024

Belleville Wix Academy Impact Statement Primary Sports Funding 2023-2024

Belleville Wix Academy Primary Sports Funding 2024-2025